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Kyrgyz Mountain ranges

Our company recommends using the car rent service for the guests who want to discover the beauty of the mountain ranges in Kyrgyzstan. Before making the tours, we want to get  you acquainted with the main information about the territory of the country. Important to mention, that there are about 88 mountain ranges, some of them are connected with each other, some ranges are separated.

The central range of Kyrgyzstan is called the Tien Shan Range, or the Celestial Mountains range. Besides that, there some ranges such as Chon Alai range in the southern region, which belongs to the Pamir mountain system. This range divide the country into Northern and Southern parts. During the tours, the guests enjoy the spectacular views of numerous mountain ranges. The longest ranges are Kakshaal (582km) and the Kyrgyz Range (454km).

The guests also have an opportunity to rent a car and travel to the Terskey Ala Too. This range is also called "shady mountains" range. The Kungey Ala-Too range is located on the opposite side and it is known as "sunny mountains". Pamir Alai mountains divide the Tien Shan into Alai and Turkestan ridges. The peaks of the mountains are always covered with show, that never melts. During the tours, you can see the Ala Too mountains ("colorful mountains" in every corner of Kyrgyzstan.